Someone asked me the other day what is the disadvantage of wall mounted basin mixers. For a second or so I just could not understand why the question came up, I mean, if it fits your style, fit it. But after sleeping over it there are some issues to consider. I have compiled the most important advantages and disadvantages of wall mounted basin mixers:
Disadvantages of wall mounted basin mixers:
- You are limited in mirror option or other items installed against the wall.
- You have to chase your taps into the wall and it has to be done precisely and right the first time, after that, you basins must be aligned to the basin not the other way around.
- There are a limited suitable and proprietary designs for wall mounted basin mixers. A shower mixer is not a suitable basin mixer, ok, most of them are not. Why? Because most of them have a huge gargantuan disc at the back called a flange (see image below, really, have a look). A shower mixer or better called a concealed shower mixer can be big since there is nearly 2m² wall space to fit it in. A wall mounted basin mixer has very limited space so the mixer should not sit there aiming a turret at your belly every time you brush your teeth.
- If you are a short person, it might be a long reach from where you are standing to the mixer’s handle. A vanity top is usually 600mm wide, slightly more than half a meter, now I am nearly 2m tall and my arm is 600mm long…..think about it. If you are under 2m, you will have to reach over every time you want to adjust the water.
- Not all basins are suited for wall mounted basin mixers. That will depend on the length of the spout and the angle at which the water is released. NEVER use a bath spout as a basin spout. First of all, a bath spout must be able to handle a large volume of water to fill a bath. Secondly, bath spouts do not have a fine aerator, so there is much more splashing which can be problematic if using a shallow basin. Bath spouts tend to release the water straight down, while basin spouts release the water at an angle towards you.
- A standard basin mixer can be turned of at the wall with an angle-valve, wall mounted basin mixers do not have angle valves, and no plumber will think of installing stop cocks so that you can isolate the wall mixer. I really cannot understand why stop cocks are not installed, it not even installed in wall mounted kitchen sink mixers, both are taps are they not. then why should basin mixers be so lucky, are they the only one’s that need maintenance, no!
- It is a major issue to change the style of mixer. You need a plumber and builder to rip your tiles out, damage the vanity, crack some more wall and floor tiles and install the deck mounted basin. Then you have to search the planet for the replacement tiles (you will not find them, that is an axiom !) to fill up the black hole behind your newly installed basin mixer.
- I will think of more later

Advantages of wall mounted basin mixers:
- You can argue that there is more space on the vanity top to put ‘stuff’. But the more ‘stuff’ you put on your vanity top, the less space you have…Catch 22. not sure that is an argument, more of a conundrum.
- It does look stunning if you install the wall mounted basin mixer in your mirror, pay for two and see four. Essentially you paid half price for your basin mixers.
- There are some beautiful designs available, one of the best are shown in the image above.
- Wall mounted basin mixers are great for small bathrooms with vanity/basin combo.
- …
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- Nope, nothing comes to mind, will update later.
Modern Bathroom by San Francisco Architects & Designers De Meza + Architecture. A perfect match between small bathroom vanity and wall mounted basin mixers.